If you have found your way here and would like to start a blog like this, these are some resources I have found helpful. Where possible, these links are affiliate links that provide us a small commission if a purchase is made through them. Others are just a shout out to a product I have found useful. Enjoy!
Website Building Resources
Where Can I Buy a Website Domain?
Namecheap: Namecheap has been my go-to domain purchase company. Their prices are reasonable upfront, and then they avoid a gimmicky renewal. Some domain providers give a $0.99 introduction rate and then jack up the yearly renewal rate, which adds up quickly in the long run. Namecheap does not do this, which I like. Their resources for transfers and the like are top-notch, as is the customer service. I recommend 100%.
Where Should I Host My Website?
Bluehost: Bluehost has served me well so far with this website. I believe it is a great starting spot for building a website, as it is inexpensive and comes with a lot of tools and resources to get you up and running. It is also recommended by WordPress as a starting point. I have heard some issues come up when traffic hits a certain point, but I am not at that point yet.
How Can I Write Better Content?
Frase.io: A wonderful tool that has done wonders for my ability to write competitively. Frase is indispensable in helping me cover a topic thoroughly, and making sure my article competes with the top contenders for that topic. It has options for both generating new content and optimizing existing content, which is great. I can’t recommend it enough to streamline the research process for a topic.
Where Can I Check Out Website Tools?
AppSumo: An interesting company that negotiates discounted rates for website building tools. They write a decent review of their offerings, which are always cycling with new stuff. The very best thing they offer is a one-time, lifetime deal on certain apps. So instead of paying every month for Frase, I paid $150 for a lifetime membership, which has paid for itself already in saving me writing time. I recommend checking it out if you are looking for tools.
What About Product Recommendations?
In this section I will put any physical products which I recommend. Anything is this category will be something I have used regularly in the kitchen or in coming up with a recipe, so rest assured all of these are solid recommendations from experience.
What Are Good Cook Books For Beginners?
The Joy of Cooking: I used to scoff at this book, preferring to browse the internet for hours for a good recipe. But then I realized something… These internet people are the same as me, just messing around in the kitchen. So, any time I need to come up with a new recipe, I start with the Joy of Cooking. With very few pictures, the book is all content and doesn’t mess around. It does a great job of describing the technique or a specific well-known recipe.
Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: A great second step into the kitchen, this book breaks down the chemistry of a good meal into how to think about it. So once you are bored with just following recipes and want to kick it up a notch, the author does a wonderful job of speaking simply about the complexity of how to cook delicious food. I wholeheartedly recommend the book and the Netflix Series.